Rabu, 21 Mei 2014


Why childrens already know and understand about sex? Who are fault in this condition? Parents, education in the school, or factors of social environment? Or surely  childrens are hyperactive so what shouldn’t they know and understand they can know before the time. Sex education in formal sector, I think it’s so necessary. Actually, at elementary school until senior high school we have studied what is sex and reproduction organs in biology science.
So far, many children grow up without the provision of sexual education.Parents still much to let the kids know the sex in his own way. One reason is the many misconceptions about sexual education . Sexual education should be part of a child's education at school and at home and start early. The concept is more oriented anatomical elements, functions, values, personality and attitude with respect to the ownership of the reproductive organs respectively. Also, to prepare teens to be able to take the role of gender and reproductive organs are mature adults.
Thus, sex education is actually more on the educational formation of personality in relation to the ownership of the reproductive organs. For that, sexual education is supported by elements of ethics education, psychology, sociology, religion, and manners equip each person to present themselves to act in accordance with the type of reproductive organs.Free sex or child pornography addiction is adversely affected by the failure of sex education. Sex education in childrens don’t mean that parents teach how sexual intercourse is good, but what about the kids more aware of and respect the reproductive organs so its not used arbitrarily. When childrens enter puberty began to explain about wet dreams in men and menstruation in women greater detail. Introduced also that in that age, in women there is when the fertilized egg cell sperm so fertilization can occur and can happen child. This understanding should be done with biology approach.
So, don’t just simply can and cant have sex, but also why they can not do it. Because simply can and cant just be made ​​a curious child to find out for yourself.It may be that what children can actually wrongthing.
It should be emphasized to children that sex should only be done when the ripe age and already married, where before marriage must do the first inspection. Because if done carelessly can lead to sexually transmitted infections, certain other diseases, can be pregnant and not necessarily healthy children born because his mother was too small.
At least, there are three main requirements that must be met before start giving sex education sufficient knowledge. Parents need to stock enough knowledge about sexuality. There are parents who do not even understand the difference between sex and sexuality. Sex is just a biological difference between men and women. While sexuality is broader than that, inter alia include genital hygiene, interest in the opposite sex, the incidence of lust, and sexual orientation.
1.    Communication Skills
     Parents need to have communication skills, involving speech and body language. Talk with a sweet tone on the child , not patronizing or scare. In addition can be relaxed. Sex education can fail miserably if the parents feel embarrassed. Free the mind and fully aware that sex is not something sordid or sin. Sex is something that is normal, because through sex human survival was maintained. Talking about sexuality is not just about the intercourse of men and women, but can also be about health and emotional development.

2. Openness
     If the child asks about something, don’t need to cover up. Instead he find out for himself and even get lost, give an appropriate answer portion and age. The answer is then followed by a discussion about whether oral sex was safe and what are the consequences if done by teenagers.

Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

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semoga apa yang saya sampaikan di dalam blog ini dapat bermanfaat yaa. selamat bergabung :)